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Who are we?

The Holstein Night promotes the Holstein breed in Wallonia. We are constantly innovating to meet the expectations of breeders and our partners. Today, Holstein Night is an OPEN competition, the first of its kind in Europe.

The Holstein Night is organised by the dairy commissions of the provinces of Namur and Luxembourg. The committee is mainly composed of about thirty voluntary breeders.

The Walloon Livestock Association (Eléveo and Inovéo) contributes to the organisation by making its logistics and some of its staff available.

" Our ambition is motivated by a desire to defend a positive image of Walloon dairy genetics both in our country and abroad. "

We are all driven by the same passion: breeding and the Holstein breed. The Holstein Night is an opportunity for Walloon breeders to showcase the quality of their animals to an audience of professionals from all over the Benelux, France and elsewhere. It is a showcase for our breeding.

Over the years, the committee has continued to improve and to respond better and better to the expectations of breeders, visitors and sponsors; among other things, the promotion, contact with the press and the quality of the welcome given to partners are particularly well looked after.

We owe this enthusiasm and professionalism to all of us who, by our demanding nature and our desire to constantly improve the details, have made this event a must.

It is therefore with great pleasure, after an absence of four years due to the organisation of the European Confrontation in 2019 and three COVID years, that we wish to confirm to you, with as much passion and mastery as ever, our next edition which will take place.

Saturday 11 March 2023 in Libramont

The enthusiasm of Belgian and foreign breeders to participate has not wavered. This year again, many breeders have expressed their intention to participate in our evening.

Our popularity is also nourished through the contacts maintained via social networks and modern media, but above all thanks to the quality of our event ensured by many passionate breeders, attached to this objective:

" To highlight the know-how of our Walloon breeders and the quality of the animals presented "

We are fortunate to have such a high quality event in our region and we intend to keep it going. and we intend to keep it going. The challenge this year will be to gather the entire dairy sector around this passion for Holsteins.

Activity reports

Download our 2023 activity report

Download our 2020 activity report

Download our 2018 activity report

Download our 2017 activity report

Download our 2016 activity report

From a regional competition to a Benelux Open

  • 1995 : Didier Robert, technician at AWE (Wallonian Cattle Farming Association), decided to make the region of Luxembourg's competition more dynamic by transforming it into a show. Rather than taking over the whole of the Neufchâteau exhibition centre, he decided to organise an evening competition. The Holstein Night was born.
  • 1997 : The regional show was expanded to include all of Wallonia via the best regional prize competition composed of 5 animals.
  • 1998 : Holstein Night moved its headquarters to Libramont and the new Walexpo Hall.
  • 2002 : Farmers from both Namur and Luxembourg organised a joint regional show.
  • 2004 : Cattle farming prizes were replaced with an inter-regional competition with 10 animals per Wallonian region.
  • 2007 : Flanders was the guest of honour at the inter-regional competition.
  • 2008 : The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg was the guest of honour at the inter-regional competition. Flanders was represented once again.
  • 2009 : A unique Benelux Open competition. For the first time, every Belgian, Luxembourgian and Dutch cattle farmer could take part in the same competition with no limit on registrations. It was a grand première.
  • 2010 : The second edition of the Benelux Open. Genetics trophy. The genetics partners took part in the first genetics challenge.
  • 2011 : A preview of the Holstein Night, an international Blonde D'Aquitaine competition.